Movie Night

Our movies
Child 31
Experience the power of a daily meal as our CEO Magnus MacFarlane-Barrow visits some of the communities where children receive Mary's Meals.
Love Reaches Everywhere
Follow Hollywood actor Gerard Butler’s heartwarming adventure as he travels to Liberia and Haiti with Mary’s Meals’ founder, Magnus.
Generation Hope
A snapshot of a new generation who, having received Mary’s Meals as children, are building a brighter future for themselves and their communities.

Where We Work
Mary's Meals works in countries across Africa, Asia, Latin America, the Caribbean, and the Middle East. Thanks to the generosity of our supporters and the dedication of many thousands of volunteers around the world, we are successfully feeding more than 2 million children every school day.
Read more about Where We Work 
What We Do
Mary's Meals is a global charity providing life-changing meals to some of the world’s poorest children. Read about how and where we work and the impact our global school feeding programme is having.
Read more about What We Do